TransformHQ Low Carb Meal Replacement Shakes are a delicious, convenient, and nutritious way to help reduce calories for weight loss. At just 160-180 calories per serving, each scoop provides a balanced meal of important micronutrients and macronutrients, including 20 grams of a tri-phase protein blend to help you stay feeling full and satisfied.
While meal replacement shakes are incredibly effective in helping support weight loss, there’s a really good chance you’ve tried a meal replacement shake, and for some reason or another, you didn’t enjoy it.
We knew that our shake needed to provide the ultimate shake experience, from incredibly delicious flavors and a researched formula to unparalleled mixability, ease of use, and more!
Here’s exactly why our shakes are different from the rest:
#1. Delicious Flavors for Everyone
Each flavor goes through rounds and rounds of testing with our flavor chemists and taste-testing group until we achieve the best tasting flavors, period.
And with over 15 flavors, there truly is a flavor for everyone– from Chocolate and Vanilla to Pineapple Whip and everything in between.
#2. Reduces Calories
Reducing calories consumed is incredibly important for weight loss.
Not only are our shakes nutritious, but they are also strategically designed in a way to help reduce calories when used to replace 1-2 meals a day.
#3. Helps Curb Hunger
Our shakes provide 3 researched and proven ingredients to help curb hunger so you can feel full while reducing calories to support weight loss: protein (3 different types), fiber, and healthy fats.
#4. Balanced Meal
Each serving provides a balance of important macronutrients, protein, carbs, and fats.
Every scoop also provides an array of vitamins and minerals that many people don’t get in their typical meal.
#5. Low in Sugar
Each serving provides just 1-3 grams of sugar depending on the flavor.
#6. Affordable
Our Meal Replacement Shakes are less than half the price of the ingredients needed for a very average breakfast or lunch made at home–as little as $1.60 per scoop/meal.
#7. Convenient
You can make a delicious shake on its own in as little as 30 seconds by mixing it with just water or almond milk.
Or you can throw it in the blender with your favorite smoothie mix-ins!