How Bitty Satisfies Her Sweet Cravings While Achieving Her Goals*

How Bitty Satisfies Her Sweet Cravings While Achieving Her Goals*

Trainer Lindsey talked to Bitty about her personal transformation story. Here is what she said!

The text below is the transcript of the video interview, edited for readibility.

First question I want to ask you is what was the biggest challenge in your transformation and fitness journey? What was the biggest challenge that you came across?

For me, it was having kids and coming back from having kids and kind of regaining myself.

I think that's something that a lot of us struggle with. I think that was probably my biggest.

How did you push through that?

Well, for me, fitness is huge, that's my profession, so fitness and nutrition are a big part of my daily [life].

But being able to find a healthy lifestyle to incorporate, you know, being sustainable.

I love that. So can you talk to me a little bit about how you felt? How did it feel like when you had these babies and you kind of felt like you lost yourself versus how you feel now?

That's a hard one. I think that you know, having babies and we get into taking care of everybody else and not taking care of ourselves and we often sometimes feel like, in order to take care of yourself, we're neglecting others or there's guilt associated and I see that a lot.

I think that getting over that and learning how to take better care of yourself so that you can take care of others.

You know, you can't pour from an empty cup, and being able to do that without going extreme, you know, you don't have to be extreme to be successful.

I'm a firm believer in finding a lifestyle that you can sustain in having healthy habits and that's where TransformHQ really made a big difference for me.

I love that. What was your initial motivation or why to get started? Was it getting into those pre-baby clothes or was it deeper than that?

Let's say both.

So, on my journey is just my own intrinsic motivation to be my best self. I wanted to feel better in my mind and in my body and I knew that I needed to do something different, and I've always enjoyed being active.

So, for me, it was to be my best self, and I knew that I needed to do more.

Being associated with TransformHQ was because I'm a Chris Powell fan. I've always liked him. I was like, ‘well, I love him and the work that he's doing, so whatever he's behind, I want to see it.’

And you know, I owned a supplement store for many years, I was in the nutrition field, like natural health supplements, and so I was raised with vitamins and herbs and all sorts of different things. So, when I started researching and trying different products with TransformHQ, I was like ‘man, I'm a believer and I already used supplements’, so it was a natural thing for me to add to my routine and it really helps me stay on track.

So, when you started using TransformHQ supplements, what kind of changes did you feel? Did you notice any changes to your physique or how you felt or anything like that?

I know how to eat right, I know how to exercise and eat right, its treats that have always been my downfall. Dessert, sugar, I mean that was daily.

I always wanted to exercise so that I could eat what I wanted and, over years, I've just learned I can't do that. I can't eat whatever I want because I can't outrun my fork.

So, the Meal Replacement Shakes became a way for me to hit that craving that I was having while still giving my body nutrition, and so that's where I was like, ‘I can stay on track and have things that taste good’, and for me, that was where I could stay in my lane of being successful and nutritionally intelligent.

I love that, that's amazing. Anytime you can take that treat and make it healthier for you and work in those things, it's a game changer. Now, speaking in regards to your fitness journey in general, what are some things that you can do now that you couldn't do right after having a baby or just in the past?

Run (laughs).Just run and keep running.  

That's pretty cool.

I love Boost Shot for that reason. I'm a Boost Shot fan, and that's part of it.

I like working on building lean mass and having enough protein, and I do find with my work schedule that I have a hard time getting enough protein through food, though I know I want to, but I do struggle like many do, and so adding the Meal Replacement Shakes helps me hit the target in that regard and being stronger. It helps in everything that I do.

I love that. I am with you sister, I feel like we're cut from the same cloth because I'm the same way. I've got to drink some of my protein or I'm never going to get enough. So, what advice would you say to somebody who is in one of the places, like maybe a mom who just had babies that is trying to find herself again or maybe somebody who is looking for a healthier way to fit in those treats and is looking for how to do that, what advice would you give to someone who's where you used to be?

I would say that every better choice is a step in the right direction and that we don't have to be all in to move the right way.

I think that a lot of times, people want to be all or nothing, and all or nothing does not work. That's not a lifestyle that's sustainable, and so, for me, I think that being able to find a place to go, ‘hey, I am going to move in the right direction, I'm going to make better choices, I'm going to baby step my way to the lifestyle that I can sustain forever’ and that's where, in my opinion, fitness and health becomes sustainable.

I love that, that's awesome. So, what goals do you have now, because you're super fit and I'm sure you're feeling amazing, like where do you go from here?

I have a grandchild that I want to keep up with and I want to be able to travel and move and do, you know, all the things that I want to do and I want to have the energy to do it.

I want to feel comfortable in my body while doing it and, you know, I don't check a scale pretty much ever, it's an unhealthy habit in my opinion, and I don't want to do it so, for me, I just want to move and have energy and feel good and quality of life drives positive action for me and that's what I believe.

I love that, that's awesome. You do not look old enough to have a grandchild, by the way.

Thank you! Yeah, being a young grandma is fun.

I do love it, it's my favorite.

I'm sure. Last question, what are your favorite TransformHQ supplements?

Hands down, the Meal Replacement Shake.

I keep pretty much every flavor open all the time. I absolutely love the shakes. The Nighttime Shake, also, I use pretty much daily.

Boost Shot and Hydration or go-to’s. I use collagen every day. I keep the greens on hand all the time.

What flavors are your favorite? Is that too hard of a choice?

Well, that's not too hard actually. Meal Replacement Shake, the Milk and Cookies or the Chocolate Chip Cookie Nighttime Shake are regular go-to’s and if I really want to treat, I love the Chocolate Peanut Butter because it's so rich and delicious and I always feel like I've had dessert when I have that.

The Pineapple Whip, I love that shake. I like to make ice cream out of them. I love the milk and cookies as a creamy base because it's kind of like vanilla but kind of sweet and it's good for add-ins.

I love the Blueberry Cheesecake, and mixing it with fresh blueberries is one of my favorites. I use the Meal Replacement Shakes more. That's a daily habit, every single day.

Well, is there anything else that you think TransformHQ people might want to hear? Any advice you have or anything?

I would say to start moving and don't give up.

We are worth the effort to find things that make us happy.

And keep taking baby steps in a direction that we want to go. I love that these products are a really good way to do it, and I've been supporting these in what I do, I've been using them personally, daily, for years now, and I don't get sick of them at all because it really helps me stay on track, personally, and I see a lot of success in the people around me too.

*Results may vary depending, in part, on starting point, motivation, and commitment. Always consult your physician before beginning any weight loss program. Participants may have used more than one TransformHQ product to achieve their results.

See the full testimonial disclaimer here.

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