How Karen Improved Her Mindset & Lost 30 lbs*

How Karen Improved Her Mindset & Lost 30 lbs*

Trainer Lindsey talked to Karen about her personal transformation story. Here is what she said!

The text below is the transcript of the video interview, edited for readability.

Tell me a little bit about your transformation journey and what was the biggest challenge that you came across?

I started back in 2018 and I was having issues just trying to lose weight and all that and what I needed was a platform that would tell me recipes how you know and just pick something and and go from that because me doing it on my own I just couldn't do it.

I came across [TransformHQ] on Facebook and I was like, wait a minute, this is like what I need. I still have issues but it's how you set it up and then you follow it and it was so easy I was like ‘this is what I needed, exactly what I needed’ and it jump started the weight loss, so it was so good.

The exercises were there, that's what I needed as well, so it was easy to follow that.

I love that! So, tell me about the results you saw. You started in 2018 so it's been six years, what kind of results have you seen over that time?

It's a roller coaster I'll tell you that much!

You know, initially, it was great. It started off great because your body is like ‘hey, this is new, I can do this no problem’ and then it's not a routine and I think it gets stale.

It's like climbing a mountain, I think. You know, you go up a few ladders and then it stops, and then you have to figure out ‘what I do now?’ because nothing's working and you just go back to the basics and do a few more steps.

For me, it's not an easy fix. I'm fighting along the way.

Initially, I lost 34 pounds and then it stalled. I regained like 15 [pounds], so I'm still trying to get back into it, but I think I'm at that age where it's kind of hard to do that because your body just doesn't want to let go.

Even though you gain some of it back, you're still net down 20 plus pounds, that's incredible. How do you feel now versus then?

Oh, I feel better.

I mean I can, you know, go and do things now and I'm not getting winded. I'm hiking more often now. I go on like, once a week, I'll go for a hike around here.

I'm doing five miles a day in the morning on my morning walks so I couldn't do that before. It was too hard getting winded.

What was your initial WHY and motivation for losing the weight and getting healthy?

So, I had my doctor's appointment and I ended up being on blood pressure medicine. I was on two different types of blood pressure medicine and I'm like ‘I don't want to do this my whole life.’

I might have to because it's hereditary, it's a beast, but after losing those 30 pounds, I was actually taken off one of the medicines so I'm just on one right now.

So I'm okay with that.

That is amazing. That is such a huge win. So, your main motivation was getting healthy after that scare with your doctor. After you found TransformHQ, what specific results did you experience and what were those initial changes and results like?

Well, it was funny, with TransformHQ, it's not a diet because you're not restricting yourself on anything.

You could still have what you want, you just can't have it every single day and in quantities, like this much. So changing that mindset, it helps this process because you're not restricting yourself on anything, which kind of helped my brain.

I still have an issue with sugar, and I think I'm more towards processed foods because life is so much easier that way and I know I'm fighting that fight myself right now right but at least the [Transform at Home] app is giving me the suggestions on what to do, what to eat, what to choose, which is a help.

Going to the grocery store now, I walk through and, you know, you see all the goodies and I'm like ‘no I don't want that’, ‘no I I don't want that’, ‘I can do this’, and I'll go to the place where I know I should get my things from. That's the mindset change I've had since I've been using it.

I love that! Now, I know you touched on this before, but my next question for you is what are some things you can do now that you couldn't do before? I know you mentioned the five miles walking, is there anything else that comes to mind?

No, not really. I mean, those were the two big things, the hiking was a big thing. I would never go out there and climb a mountain. I went up, I don't know if you know New Hampshire, there's a mountain called Mount Monadnock. I didn't make it to the summit because there's a climb that you have to go on your knees and my knees aren't up to that, plus it's scary, you see the side of the mountain and there's nothing down. But I did it, so I don't think I would have been able to do it, you know, way back when I was higher than that.

Yeah, that's incredible. Congratulations! So, what would you say to someone going through the same things that you went through before?

You just have to start one thing, just change one thing, if it's drinking water, start with that and then slowly build upon that.

Change your breakfast, just focus on that, make that a healthy choice, and then add lunch, and then add dinner, because you don't want to jump in because, if you do, I think you're gonna feel defeated and not continue going and then you get into a routine and you just know what you have to do for each one of those.

I love that. I love that starting small and just making one change until that feels easy. So, what goals do you have now?

Getting back to that, you know, nice weight loss to where I was comfortable, that's the major thing.

I think I want to try a 10K, I mean, I've done 5K,I haven't done a 10K yet, so I think that's what I want to try next.

I love that. Tell me about your favorite TransformHQ supplements. Which ones are your favorites?

I love the Nighttime Shake, because for me, it helps me to sleep at night when I've been using melatonin but to have a chocolate shake before you go to bed, that's better, so I like that.

And the Hydration is my friend because, if you're not a water drinker, it helps to get that water, makes it so easy.

Right! What's your favorite flavor?

Pina Colada Hydration and then it's got to be Chocolate [Mousse] Nighttime. Well, the Caramel Apple Pie is pretty good.

My last question sums all this up and I want to know, was all the hard work you've put in worth it?

Absolutely, yeah. Absolutely.

I mean, to have your blood pressure come down to a point where you don't need two medications, the strongest one out there, that's a plus in itself, and then getting out and doing something.

Getting your body moving, that's plus number two, you're not sitting around.

Yeah, I love that, that's amazing. I am so proud of you Karen. You have put in such hard work and I just love it. I love the results that you've seen, and I can tell that you're more confident and that's fantastic. I love it.

You help too, you know, those exercises that you put in for those challenges that we do I get it done and I like that. Just nice and short, you know, even a short workout is better than nothing at all.


*Results may vary depending, in part, on starting point, motivation, and commitment. Always consult your physician before beginning any weight loss program. Participants may have used more than one TransformHQ product to achieve their results.

See the full testimonial disclaimer here.

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