Protein Cookie Dough Cookie Recipe

Sweet and delicious cookie dough that is high in protein and won't destroy your weight loss goals! Plus, it's healthy to eat without baking!


3/4 Cup Any TransformHQ Meal Replacement Shake
1/4 Cup Melted Coconut Oil
2 Tablespoons Honey
1/4 Cup Chocolate Chips

Optional "Frosting" Ingredients:

1/2 Cup Chocolate Chip
1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil


1. Mix everything together and press on parchment paper until it's about 1/4 inch thick. Makes about 6 cookies.

Optional Step: Mix the two ingredients together, then microwave "frosting" for 30 seconds at a time until melted. Then, spread on top.

2. Freese for about 30 minutes then enjoy!

Nutrition Information (Per Cookie, with frosting):

Calories: 152

Protein: 8g

Carbs: 14g

Fat: 8g

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