
Where Do You Lose Weight First?
Have you ever thought about any of these questions or wondered about the answers? “How can I lose fat from my thighs?” "Can I spot reduce?” “How can I spot reduce?” “How can I reduce belly fat?” “How can I reduce _____ (insert that body part that’s giving you trouble) fat?” “Why can’t I lose weight from where I want to?” “Why am I losing fat from here instead of...

Macros: What Are They & What's the Big Deal About Them?
Macros. Maybe you’ve heard that word before. Maybe you’ve heard about people “counting macros.” But what are they, and what’s the big deal about them? We’re going to run through exactly WHAT macros are, why they’re important, and how to make sure you’re getting enough of them to fuel your weight loss and transformation goals. (And at the end of the blog, we're going to give you our FREE Macro...

Your Metabolic Health, Why It Matters, and How to Improve It
We focus so much on the number on the scale or the outward appearance that we completely forget to pay attention to what’s going on internally. Someone might “look” healthy from appearance and observation but once you take a look inside, you might find a different story. Only 1 in 8 Americans are metabolically healthy. To breakdown metabolic health, let’s first look at metabolism, which is defined as the chemical...