Alcohol and Weight Loss: 3 Tips to Keep You From Ruining Results

Alcohol and Weight Loss: 3 Tips to Keep You From Ruining Results

Drinking alcohol and weight loss goals: If you’re currently trying to lose weight and you’re consuming alcohol regularly, this is for you.

Alcohol can have a major negative effect on your weight loss results. (We’ll get into some big reasons why.)

If done responsibly and strategically, you CAN still lose weight while drinking alcohol.

The problem is when people don’t consume alcohol strategically or responsibly, and they end up train-wrecking their weight loss results, plateauing, and even gaining weight.

Chris and Heidi have some secrets to preventing alcohol consumption from ruining your weight loss results transformation.

Let’s first run through what happens to your body as you drink alcohol, how it can destroy weight loss results–even cause weight gain– and the tricks and tips you can implement to prevent this from happening.

Alcohol and Weight Loss: What Happens When You Drink

Drinking alcohol can completely ruin weight loss results, unless you follow these tips. Watch as Chris and Heidi explain what happens to your body as you drink and the tricks to staying on track with weight loss goals while drinking responsibly.

Throw on your lab coat, we’re going in! Just kidding, but let’s talk quickly about what goes on inside your body as you consume alcohol.

As you drink alcohol, your arginine vasopressin hormone, also known as the antidiuretic hormone, is blunted.

What does this mean?

This causes you to accidentally drain a lot of water. This is what some people may refer to as “breaking the seal.”

This massive release of water over several hours can lead to these things the following morning:

  • severe dehydration
  • a pounding headache
  • a "dry mouth" feeling.

Because you were dehydrated (for around 8-10 hours), your body responds hormonally to try and correct what just happened.

It begins storing massive amounts of sodium and water, which you will hold onto for at least 3 days.

Alcohol and Weight Gain

alcohol and weight loss - in the backyard

“Does alcohol make you fat?”

“Does alcohol make you gain weight?”

These are just some of the questions asked in regards to staying on track with weight loss.

Yes, alcohol and weight gain can go hand in hand, but if consumed with some self-control, you can mitigate weight gain, and actually still create an environment in which your body can continue to lose weight.

Let's go through the ways in which alcohol can get in the way of weight loss, and even cause weight gain sometimes.

Drinking Causes Bloat

As we mentioned above, when you drink, your body reacts by causing water and sodium retention. As a result, your body will hold onto more water. This can cause bloat, make you feel uncomfortable, and increase the number on the scale.

If you’re not aware of how your body responds to alcohol consumption, or you forget about a night of drinking and see a jump on the scale, this can be really discouraging.

Alcohol Calories Add Up & Can Lead to Excess Body Fat

Weight loss comes down to consuming fewer calories than you burn, and doing this consistently.

With alcohol (and drinks in general), it can be all too easy to accidentally drink large portions of your daily calories, especially if combined with high-calorie meals.

Check out a general calorie breakdown below:

  • Beer: 150+ calories (per 12 fl oz)
  • Red Wine: 120+ calories (per 5 fl oz).
  • Vodka: 90+ calories (per 1.5 fl oz)
  • Whiskey: 100+ calories (per 1.5 fl oz)

(Updated information as of 4/4/19)

Depending on how many drinks you have, these calories can definitely add up. Two beverages could even put you in a calorie range of what could even be considered a “meal." Of course, there are lower calorie options available.

Alcohol Can Impair Nutrient Breakdown & Utilization

Another way alcohol can affect your weight loss goals is it actually impairs your nutrient uptake and utilization.

This means it can be harder for your body to absorb the important micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals from the food you're eating.


According to research, alcohol "inhibits the breakdown of nutrients into usable molecules by decreasing secretion of digestive enzymes from the pancreas.

Alcohol impairs nutrient absorption by damaging the cells lining the stomach and intestines and disabling transport of some nutrients into the blood."

Alcohol Can Affect Your Decision Making

Alcohol can definitely have an effect on your mindset.

It can make it easier for you to get off track with your nutrition goals by influencing your decision making when it comes to food choices.

Depending on when and how often you drink, it can also get in the way of your motivation a bit. For example, a night out drinking may make it harder to get up the next morning and workout.

Alcohol and Weight Loss: How to Stay On Track

alcohol and weight loss - social gatherine

So, how can you drink alcohol AND stay on track with your weight loss transformation? There are a couple of tips that we recommend ⬇️

Tip #1: Drink In Moderation
What we recommend is if you do drink, consume alcohol in moderation, meaning about 1-2 drinks a week.

We also recommend that you limit your alcohol consumption to just 1 day a week.

Tip #2: Opt for Low-Calorie Options
Go for low-calorie options. When you're trying to lose weight, the last thing you want to do is drink your calories! These additional calories in combination with your meals can put you in a calorie surplus. Because weight loss comes down to burning more calories than you consume (via food & drink), this can make things a bit tough!

By opting for a low-calorie option, this will help keep you from consuming too many calories, and help you stay in the weight loss range.

Tip #3: Drink 1 qt of Water with Electrolyte Powder Before Sleep
Because your body can get dehydrated drinking, you must rehydrate your body!
We recommend you drink1 qt (about 3.9 cups) of water with electrolyte powder or tablets. Doing this helps rehydrate the body, combats the pasty mouth, hangover, and the 3 days of severe bloating that can happen.

Creating a Successful Transformation

A successful weight loss transformation is all about balance. It’s about creating habits and sticking to them. Alcohol and weight loss don’t need to be mutually exclusive.

It’s about allowing for flexibility. It’s about creating a lifestyle that is sustainable and enjoyable.

If you do drink and you're trying to lose weight, make sure to follow the tips laid out above.

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