Protein Shake vs. Meal Replacement: What’s the Difference?

Protein Shake vs. Meal Replacement: What’s the Difference?
Want to know the difference between a protein shake and a meal replacement shake so you can figure out which is best for your goals?This blog will cover everything you need to know. Let’s crack open the lid and dive in.

Is a Protein Shake a Meal Replacement?

Here’s the short answer: No

Now let us explain! To help you understand the difference between a protein shake and a meal replacement shake, we’ll be using Perform Whey Protein Isolate (protein shake) and Everyday Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake (meal replacement shake) as examples.

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What Is the Purpose of a Protein Shake?

First things first. To understand the purpose of a protein shake, we need to quickly cover why protein is important.

Protein is an important nutrient involved in several processes in the body.

Some of protein’s benefits are its ability to build and repair throughout the body, reduce muscle soreness, support lean body goals, and help build muscle.With that said, protein shakes help you conveniently increase your protein consumption each day.

That’s why we designed Perform Whey Protein Isolate to provide 25 grams of high-quality protein in each serving.Whey is a popular form of supplemental protein, and it has been studied for its ability to help:

Why Isn’t a Protein Shake a Meal Replacement Shake?

While a protein shake like Perform Whey Protein Isolate provides high amounts of protein and is lower in calories, it lacks the important fat, carbohydrates, and nutrients (vitamins & minerals) of a well-balanced meal.

So let’s recap: Protein powders provide a nice dose of protein, generally around 20-25 grams per serving. But protein powders do not provide enough of the other important nutrients and minerals of a complete healthy meal.

Why Should You Use a Protein Shake?

If you workout and your goals are to...

  • Lean down and tone your body (lose the last little bit of weight to reveal your muscle)
  • Reduce muscle soreness so you can bounce back stronger in the gym
  • Build muscle

...then a protein shake is a great option.

How Should You Use a Protein Shake?

Because protein shakes are designed to help support your exercise and fitness performance, a great way to use a protein shake is shortly after your workout.

You’ve just exercised and worked your muscles, and a fast-digesting protein (like whey isolate) can then be absorbed and start helping accelerate the recovery process!If you aren’t able to drink a protein shake after your workout, you can drink it whenever it is most convenient for you.

Because protein powders are flavored, they can also help satisfy any cravings you might be having.

If you find you struggle with cravings at a certain time of the day, a protein shake can help!

If your goal is weight loss or creating a toned physique, you’ll want to keep your calories lower so you can ensure you are burning more calories than you are consuming.

Some great low-calorie liquids you can mix with your protein powder are water or almond milk!

When to use Chris + Heidis shake pre or post workout
Drink post-workout to help your muscles with a speedy recovery.
Use Chris + Heidi's shake on the go
Drink anytime you want to boost your protein consumption.

What Is the Purpose of a Meal Replacement Shake?

Weight loss is a result of burning more calories than you consume. That’s why a meal replacement shake is designed to provide the important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients of a well-balanced meal while also helping reduce calories.

A good meal replacement shake is designed to replace meals that are higher in calories. In addition to reducing calories, meal replacement shakes are focused on helping curb hunger so you can stay full between meals by utilizing 2 important nutrients: protein & fiber.

That’s exactly why we created the Everyday Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake. Each serving provides:

  • 20 grams of protein
  • 165-180 calories
  • Vitamins & minerals
  • 5-11 grams of net carbs
  • 5-6 grams of fiber per serving

Can You Use a Meal Replacement Shake as a Protein Shake?

Because meal replacement shakes provide the nutrients of a well-balanced meal, they should also provide a good amount of protein.

For example, the Everyday Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake provides 20g of protein per serving, plus additional carbs, fat, vitamins, and minerals.

That said, you can use a meal replacement shake as a protein shake.

Just make sure to keep in mind that a meal replacement shake provides more than just protein (think carbs, fat, calories, etc.). Because remember: Weight loss comes down to consuming fewer calories than you burn.

Why Should You Use a Meal Replacement Shake?

If you are wanting to lose weight and need help ...Reducing calories to accelerate weight loss
  • With a convenient, easy-to-make meal to save you time (and money)
  • Curbing hunger so you can stay full between meals
...then a meal replacement shake is a great option.

How Should You Use a Meal Replacement Shake?

A meal replacement shake should be used to replace a higher calorie meal, or any meal, actually.

That’s why we made Everyday Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake. You can use Everyday Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake to replace up to 2 meals a day.

If it’s more convenient to replace your breakfast because that is a difficult meal for you to control, replace your breakfast!

If dinners are a “trouble”meal for you (you either eat too many calories, or you’re so tired you reach for a high-calorie convenient option), replace your dinner!

An easy way to use our meal replacement shake is simply mixing a scoop with 12 ounces of ice cold water, almond milk, or your beverage of choice.

Just shake it up, and you’re good to go!You can also throw a scoop of meal replacement shake in the blender and add additional ingredients to create a shake or smoothie (think: fruits, greens, peanut butter, etc.).

When to use Chris + Heidis shake morning
Drink as a healthy breakfast that will supercharge your day.
Use Chris + Heidi's shake on the go
Short on time? Use a Chris + Heidi shake as an on-the-go meal.
When to use Chris + Heidis shake pre or post workout
Drink pre- or post-workout to help your muscles with a speedy recovery.

Let’s Wrap It Up!

A meal replacement shake and a protein shake are similar in the sense that they both contain protein, but they are not entirely the same.

A protein shake is a specialized powder used to help increase protein consumption. It doesn’t contain the additional nutrients, vitamins, and minerals of a well-balanced meal.

Simply put, a protein shake isn’t a meal replacement shake. A meal replacement shake is designed to replace a meal.

It contains protein as well as other important nutrients of a meal.A meal replacement shake can be used as a protein shake. Just remember to pay attention to the total calories of your shake.

If your main goal is to lose weight, a meal replacement shake can help you reduce calories and feel fuller for longer periods of time.

If your main goal is to help boost post-workout recovery, combat muscle soreness, and support your exercise performance, protein powder can help with that.

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