
4 Reasons to Eat Every 3 Hours for Weight Loss
You’re wanting to lose weight. And when it comes to weight loss, you need to reduce your calories so you burn more than you consume. So you decide to limit your calories by eating just a few times a day, but you feel yourself starving before, between, and after your meals–basically the whole day. You end up overeating at your meal times as a result, mindlessly snacking all day, and...

Your Metabolic Health, Why It Matters, and How to Improve It
We focus so much on the number on the scale or the outward appearance that we completely forget to pay attention to what’s going on internally. Someone might “look” healthy from appearance and observation but once you take a look inside, you might find a different story. Only 1 in 8 Americans are metabolically healthy. To breakdown metabolic health, let’s first look at metabolism, which is defined as the chemical...

6 Ways Meal Prepping Can Save You Money, Time, and Help you Lose Weight
When you hear people talking about healthy eating what do you think? Expensive. Time-consuming. Tasteless. Diet food. Most people hear meal prepping, and immediately think it’s way too much work. If you’re talking about meal prep compared to driving through a fast-food drive-thru or eating pre-packaged then yeah, it probably is a lot more work than you’re used to. But if you are serious about taking control of your health,...