Creatine Benefits: The Ultimate 2023 Guide
Creatine has been studied for decades and is considered one of the safest supplements out there, showing little to no adverse effects in healthy individuals. It’s widely used by bodybuilders and weight lifters, but creatine's benefits can help anyone looking to take their fitness level up a notch. We could talk forever about how much we love creatine, but instead, we will jump into the top creatine questions we’ve found...
Carbs vs Net Carbs: What's The Difference?
Sometimes it might feel like fitness and nutrition talk is like a foreign language...with a sciency-twist. You might be thinking, “What the heck are net carbs, and how do they compare to carbs?” Or maybe you haven’t even heard of the term “net carbs”? Wonder what they are? Don’t worry! We’ll break it all down for you. But first, let’s quickly cover some important facts about carbs in general so...
Fluctuating Weight & Carbs: Here's Why The Scale Goes Up & Down
Ever stepped on the scale after a day of eating carbs and notice the number actually went up? On the flip side, ever cut out or consume fewer carbohydrates and notice the number goes down? What on earth is happening?! If you've ever wondered, "Why do I gain weight when I eat carbs," this is the blog for you! Don’t worry, Chris and Heidi have the answer! Let’s explain what...
Gut Health: Your Know-It-All Guide
Welcome to the most comprehensive guide to gut health. In this blog, we will be going over everything from gut health and how it affects weight loss to the best food for your gut and more! Taking care of your gut is more than just getting a pretty 6-pack of abs, it can affect weight loss/gain, digestion, mood, and overall well-being. Here at Transform HQ, we are a little obsessed...